Saturday, April 13, 2019

Why do they have an extra player on the field?



Lily had her 2nd soccer game today! The morning started out pretty dreary and rainy as they began to play! It did clear up by the, Ill blame the weather on the stomping England got today! really wasnt anything to do with the weather!

At one of the parents on the opposing team yelled out to the referee why they {our team} had an extra player more than them on the field?


the straight forward....simple answer the referee gave that parent...

'Yall are smokin them so we let them add a player!'

Well, there you go! you know how the game went! ha!

England played a pretty good game....but...the team they played was just WAY out of the league. Let me just say....that team has been together for years......and soccer is in their blood! :)

My little soccer girl! She was ready to play!
Lets go England!
Lily was captain of the game today! She ran her heart out again today! The other team....just no words. I lost count at how many goals they made!
Notice....the blue team...yeah soccer is in their blood!
Like normal.....the entire other team....and then there is Lily in the middle of them all!
So, we had lunch...and then spent the rest of the afternoon just enjoying being at home! There are two up in the tree house!.....can you spot them! :)

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