Monday, April 29, 2019

Do you notice anything different!?

So, as I picked up the girls today...

Lily ran up to me SO SUPER excited!

The first thing out of her mouth was...

'Do you notice anything different?!?!'

{In my helped that she was grinning as BIG as she possibly I knew something was up/different in her mouth!} bahaha!

So, sure enough...she has finally lost her 2nd tooth!

Whoop whoop!

She was thrilled and then told me to not tell Daddy...that he was going to have to figure it out too!! :)

So, she lost it at P.E. and had one of the P.E. teachers help her! She said she didnt cry or anything! :)
And....TOTALLY shocking...Lily found her $2.00 from the Tooth Fairy before she even fell asleep! She just couldnt believe that the Tooth Fairy came sooooo quick as she had just closed her eyes for 1 minute after we told her goodnight and she wasnt even asleep yet! {That CRAZY Tooth Fairy!} :)

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