Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter 2019!

We have had a wonderful Easter weekend!

He is not here, for he is risen!

We did a little Snapchat before getting ready to head to Aunt Pam's {to eat and have Easter} since it was cold....and rainy...and we didnt have Lily's two soccer games that were scheduled! We stayed nice and cozy, and in our pjs as long as we could!
Two love bunnies! ha!
He put the bunny face on when Aunt Pam asks!....not when I do!
Three bunnies!
LaLa and Lily had a nice little chat!
Love this girl and super happy to see her happy and meet Chase! They are super cute together and he was such a good sport from hiding Easter eggs to helping find the REAL eggs that the kids hid....and could NOT find in Pam's house! bahaha! :)
She ate about 4 different desserts! :)
Easter egg hiding time! Alexis decided that she was way TOOO big to find eggs this year so she helped Meg and Chase!
These two...and Lincoln had a TON of eggs to find! They had a blast! Lily was super excited that she won with 46 eggs!
Trying to find alllll the eggs!
Still trying to find them all!
My sweet little Easter girl!
Counting her....46 eggs! :)
These 3 would not sit still for a picture at ALL! Such a fun afternoon of food and family time before taking Nannie home and then straight home and bed!

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