Sunday, April 14, 2019

A beautiful Palm Sunday!

What started out to be a scary we had chances of tornadoes and bad storms...

turned into an absolutely beautiful day!

Love this group of kiddos! Hated I didnt get everyone in the picture but this is the best I could get before the crowds hit and we had to start lining up!
 My two hearts!
 Lined up and ready!
 On they went!
 These two chose lunch...and begged for a watermelon freeze too! :)
 Then..we spent the entire rest of the day outside! Today was the perfect vision of Summer! I can NOT wait! These two played allllll afternoon!
 In their 'secret' treehouse! :)
 Swinging and chatting!
 They wanted to climb the that they did!
 YEP..Summer is getting closer...and this is it! A yard full of kids! I cant wait! :)
Then, I took my 1st 'professional' photo shoot of this little guy! I have to admit I was a nervous wreck!
 And...his sweet little {but growing} family too!
 This is my favorite! I came home...and wanted to crash but spent the rest of the night editing and having Lily W. spend the night with us! Yeah...I is a school night! Hope was with us too but she started not feeling she went home! {My girls better not have....I always say 'no' come out of their mouths...ever! :)}
It was a great day!

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