Sunday, April 28, 2019

Sunday fun-day...missing tooth edition and...some toe nail clippers!!

We had a wonderful Sunday fun-day filled with sunshine, Church, a 'toe clipper' incident, JSU softball,friends,laughter, Church cookout,Sonic 'fun' drinks and a tooth pulling time!

Doesnt get much better than that!

SOOO.....quick story to share before I continue with the rest of our day. So, we ran home after Church and before lunch. Im sitting at lunch and look over at Alexis and see that under her eyebrows....there is blood. I immediately know she has done something {on her own and withOUT my advice as I see the blood}. So, she is just smacking away eating her food and Im staring at her. {Yes, ugh, she smacks! :) So anyways..} She doesnt bat an eye at me. Has NO idea that I am seeing that she has done something to her eyebrows! She thinks she looks just dandy, I guess! {Despite the fact that it is CLEAR she has butchered her eyebrows and parts under them are bleeding!} So, I ask her...'Alexis what did you do to your eyebrows?' She immediately gets the look of 'I am caught' on her face.


She used TOE nail clippers to PLUCK her eyebrows!

Should I repeat this!?!?!

No, I just cant! OH my goodness, my CHILD!

Her response...'Well, I wanted to 'fix' my eyebrows and wanted some of the hair to go away. So, I did it myself.'


with TOE nail clippers!

Good grief! So, Lily got a HUGE kick out of this! She literally could NOT breathe and her face turned so red as she laughed SO hard at Alexis... as she said 'Alexis I just used those on my toes this morning before Church!' {Oh...just goodness!} :)

Oh, the stories and memories I am going to get to bring up when they are older! :)
So, I had to fix the mess she made with her doings and so I pulled out my pluckers. She did NOT like it and screamed that it 'hurt' the entire time I shaped her up. I TOLD her....lesson learned as this is WHY she had no business touching her eyebrows. OH...goodness! :)

These girls had a dance party....instead of caring about the JSU softball game! It was a great game..and JSU won, from what I watched of it! :)
Be the sunshine on cloudy days!
After the softball games, we headed to the Church picnic at Henry Farm park. Alexis and Lily brought Hope, Madelyn and Lily. They had fun playing with all their friends. I enjoyed some chatting time!
Then it was FOOD time! Hamburgers and hotdogs and more for the win!
After a fun filled day...we were all worn out! So, headed home and straight to bath and bed! Alexis had to pause a minute and have Daddy pull a tooth! On the way home from the picnic, Alexis' tooth just starting gushing blood in the car! Hope and Madelyn were freaked out by the blood but it was just because Alexis' tooth was literally dangling! So, Daddy to the rescue and had it out in a second! She refused for me to take a picture...and refused to put her tooth under her pillow as she clearly stated...I am the tooth fairy! Ugh....
So, Im debating if she gets any 'tooth fairy' money! :) :)

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