Friday, March 20, 2020

Another day to be thankful for!

We had another beautiful day today and...of course..we made the most of it!

So very thankful for a day like today!

Before I share about our day....I have to share this! THIS is everything!
Society: What about my plans?!
God: My plans for you are always better than your own. Don't worry. I'm going to work this all out for your good.

Society: We're not going to get anything done!
God: That's the point. You know how you keep spinning your wheels—always working, moving, doing—but never feeling satisfied? I've given you permission to stop. I've cleared your calendars for you! Your worth isn't tied to busyness or accomplishment. All you have to do is take care of each other.

Society: What does this all mean?
God: It means I'm in control. It means you are human and I am God. It means I've given you a wonderful opportunity to be the light in a dark world. It means you are going to learn to rely on me.

Society: What are we supposed to do when we can't leave our homes?
God: Rest. You are always so busy and overwhelmed, crying out to me weary and exhausted. Can't you use a break from your fast-paced and over-scheduled lives? Go ahead and rest. Pray. Love your families. Be still and spend time with me.

Society: You mean we're supposed to stay home with our kids all day, every day?
God: Yes. And you're going to be just fine. This time together is a rare gift. The rush of daily life has come to a halt. Play games. Bake cookies. Work on projects you've never had the time for. Teach them kindness and grace. Show them how to endure difficult circumstances and steer them toward me.

Society: We better start hoarding anything we can get our hands on!
God: Prevention, yes. Precaution, yes. Preparedness, yes. But after that, it's time to put the needs of others before your own. When you see someone in need, help them. Offer up what you have. Do not worry about tomorrow! Haven't I always taken care of you? Now, go take care of someone else.

Society: Why is this happening?
God: To remind you that I'm in control. To bring your attention back to me. I'm bringing you together as families and neighbors. I'm showing you patience and perseverance. I'm reminding you of your purpose and priorities. Now is the time to learn and teach your children what this life is really about.

Society: We don't know who to believe.
God: Believe in me. Trust me. Ask me for wisdom and I will surely give it.

Society: We're scared!
God: I've got this and I'm with you.

{Wow....I just keep re-reading this...over and over!} Good stuff!

This morning was full of lounging around...watching movies...staying in our pjs...and playing with these two!
Lily played with her yo-yo....and our two furry friends wanted to play SO bad too!
 Soccer just could not get enough of trying to grab it!
 Lily decided that Soccer needed to get dressed up! ha! A 'uni-cat!' :)
 Then...after lunch...we soaked up some sunshine by hitting some golf balls and enjoying the fresh air since it was supposed to rain all day!
 We social distanced ourselves while we hit!...Well, I watched...they hit!
 Daddy is really getting back in the groove of playing! He is loving it again!
There was a young guy, looked to be high school or early college hitting down from us. Every time him or Tyler would hit a tree............the amount of pollen that would 'poof' out of the leaves/branches was unbelievable! I have never seen anything like it! Just big 'poofs' of yellow dust that would shoot out! It was a sight to see!
 We finished out the afternoon by grilling and the girls doing their most favorite thing...jumping!

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