Friday, March 27, 2020

The Florida rays!

We soaked up as much Florida rays as possible.

We literally were outside the entire days but on the 3rd day...we stayed in and binged watched Disney plus! OOOHHHH....we love Disney plus and we need it at home! Working on that! ha!

This day was full of playing inside...and we soaked up Disney classics! We loved Honey I Shrunk the Kids! This was one of my favorites when I was younger!
Then...Alexis begged to watch her favorite....Ratatouille! This is how Kennedy watched this one! ha! riding...snack eating...toe sanding...view loving time! Kennedy would just sing during our rides! None of us could understand what she was all...but could get the gist of what song every now and then! So cute! ha!
Snack time!
Play time while snacking! ha!
Our last day! BOO! We still did our routine....and soaked up the day until we left that afternoon!
Kennedy did a little bit of this! She would only lay down in her bed if Lily laid in the floor beside her! ha! So....once we thought she was asleep...Lily would crawl out the door! ha! A couple of times she got caught! On this day...she said she 'Not need a nap!' {her exact quote!} We started a movie...and this is how she watched it! ha!
Saw several of these! OH my...the views...good for the soul!
Our afternoon walk! They played SO well together!
Reading books!

On this day....right before we left to head home......we learned that school {as Alexis and Lily know it. Their 2nd and 6th grade year} is over. Governor Kay Ivey issued a statement stating that school is done for the remainder of the school year. To say it is a shock is an understatement! To is like school for 5 months. WHAT?!?! To say all of this is just amazingly crazy...just crazy! Alexis and Lily will still have work...tests to do...but it will be all done at home and via online to avoid large crowds and all the restrictions that have been initiated due to the virus. THIS is History. This has NEVER happened. Ever. We are all in uncharted territory and all just trying to figure out what to do. How to handle all of this. 

Trump has even issued the Defense Production Act against General Motors who has refused to help make ventilators for the masks that people must wear to avoid contracting this virus. For him to issue this Act....if very rarely used unless in dire need. It was issued. The Relief Act was signed to help with financial  issues that is happening since businesses are having to close their doors. Since Stay Home restrictions are in place.

THIS has never happened either.

No doubt we need to lean and have faith in God even more than ever now! Big prayer this virus stops spreading and the US and the world gets a handle on figuring out this virus so life can go back to normal and we can all be safe again!
We got home! Alexis had NOOOOO idea what was happening at home while we were gone! She has been asking for her room to be painted for months! Well..her Daddy painted her furniture and he had her room painted while we were gone! She was in shock when she walked in! I will do a before and after picture post later...because she has it all cute and and decorated now! She worked hard on it today!
Our first morning back home....and I found myself here! BOO! Our dryer officially died on us so this is where I had the pleasure of hanging out! A new dryer looks great in our laundry room, though, and Im in love with it! ha!
And....I found myself here too! MY goodness...I could not see out of my front window with all the dead bugs! GROSS!
We had the best little trip and it was exactly what we needed!

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