Sunday, March 29, 2020

We're back!

We're back in action at home...


utilizing my new dryer...

enjoying being outside....

and friends galore coming to ride bikes and play outside.

Not a single one {friend} is allowed inside the house so to let them play outside together...enjoying the fresh air... I just cant say no to that. I cant.

They are kids

and if they are being creative....getting exercise....soaking up some vitamin D....laughing...making memories during this crazy time...I just cant.

So, we are social distancing.....and not going anywhere besides am saying...we are doing our part! :)

So...this has been a neat thing! Alabama.....and other states...have started this 'Bear Challenge'...'Going on a Bear Hunt!'
Its where parents can have something to do with their kids since we are all 'stuck' at home! You can go on a walk...or drive around {in the comfort of your car...away from people!} and your kids can count how many 'bears' they find! It has been a really neat thing to walk around...and drive around and see everyone participating!
So, this is what Lily did for us! ha!
She did WAY more than most other homes are doing...and not just bears! She said...'Momma, some girls will want to go on a unicorn hunt!' :)
And..look behind her! So cute! It makes me happy when I look over and see them out the window!
She was so proud! :)
And...KONA ICE came! Whooop whooop!
It parked in front of our house and they had a line quickly! Cars just started pulling up to get their treat because they didnt get outside fast enough when they came by! So, the Kona Ice man realized that he needs to go slower and have his music up louder! He promised he would keep coming that will be a nice treat every now and then!
Yum-O! I had pina colada and it took me back to Florida! Good!
And....OH...Im SO thankful we got our backyard completed for times like we are in because it has been a blessing! We have soaked it up being out there! So peaceful and relaxing! LOVE it!
And....see in the treehouse?!! So...last night....we told Sydney and Alexis that they could spend the night in there..but they had to stay in there or if they couldnt make it...she would have to go home { one is allowed in the house}....................well..........they were SO excited! They had it set up perfectly with snacks, drinks, a fan, a light, pillows, blankets, Alexis' IPAD, and so on and so on...
well...they lasted until 10:00pm and they were begging to come in! They claimed there were 'things' banging trying to get them! ha!
Well...come to find was just Tickles actually trying to go in there with them. She climbed up the ladder and was on the top of it waiting for them to open the door for her! :)

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