Monday, March 9, 2020

Let's fly a kite!

This weekend was beautiful!

Finally sunshine and warmer temps!

We soaked it up!

Friday night Tyler and I had a date night with the Sorianos, Messers and Christophers to celebrate Ashley's birthday! Dinner and adult time was just what we needed! The Messer girls and mine had fun with Miss Bailey babysitting them with pizza so they were in Heaven! :) I didnt get one picture, though, of our date night...too busy enjoying the night I guess!

Saturday was full of some errands and lunch before Tyler got sick so we were very low key after that.

Sunday we met Gran and Andrew to see Grey for a little bit at the park. It was such a nice day so we enjoyed sitting on the bench watching the kiddos play!

Then a sweet group from a local Church brought kids playing a kite! So we flew the kite for a little bit as there was a perfect breeze to do it!

We hit up the yogurt shop before heading home! It was a perfection of an afternoon!

I love pictures of them on this! I have taken several over the years! Both girls have gotten to where they can do it all the way across now!
Trying so hard...and making it down it!
Lex's turn!
A beautiful day to fly a kite! Look at Grey! He as amazed and was trying to figure out what it was!
Lily had a blast!
So pretty!
Then yogurt time! I got Tyler mid bite/chew! ha! goodness...her bowl was filled to the rim...and cost like $8.00! She ate every bite though!

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