Sunday, March 15, 2020

Meanwhile....surviving COVID-19 seems the world is closing....

The CoronaVirus has hit.

We {the US} really has NO idea what to do with this virus. It has come into the states SO quick and has spread SO fast so it is leaving everyone in chaos and panic.

It is truly a sad time!

Universities have been driven to all online. School are closing for almost 3 weeks. Business are reducing their hours or closing. The Stock Market has dropped significantly.Travel has been restricted and cancelled. Vacations have been cancelled. Trips for schools, etc have been either postponed or cancelled. Sporting events and sport leagues have cancelled their seasons. Concerts and public venue events have cancelled. People are getting sick everywhere! Our Spring break trip to Disney World had to be postponed. Disney world is closing temporarily! {This has never happened!} Even Churches have shutdown due to the government saying any events that holds more than a certain number of people needs to be closed. It just keeps spreading and spreading.

It is something that everyone is concerned about. It is now considered a pandemic. A National Emergency has been issued.

When is it going to end?!?!


we tried to soak up one of the best days we had where there was finally NO rain and nothing but some sunshine and a slight breeze to soak up some freshness!

We enjoyed a Sonic dinner full out fresh air and family time this week in the midst of alllllll the craziness and sadness that is happening around us.

This is a Historic time and will be in the History books! Amazing to me!

Here are just a SMALL glimpse of some of the craziness that has been happening around us! It is mind blowing! There are just SOOOO many...SOOO much...this is just SOME of what I have been seeing...hearing about...dealing with... it just isnt ending!

For this made me laugh! I feel like we have gone from RAIN more...and again...and then one day of sunshine....then one day of warmth...then cold...then RAIN...then MORE RAIN!...NOW...a virus...... and everyone is scared!
This is hilarious! There is NO toilet paper on shelves! Stores are selling completely out of toilet paper! It is mind blowing! The reason {or so everyone says} is because our paper comes from China {where the virus originated} and China isnt going to allow trade for toilet paper because the US is 'blaming' them!
It is mass panic of stocking up on food...waters..soap....etc...and etc..and etc right now because everyone is thinking everything is going to shutdown.
And.....THEN the craziness happened when Schools started closing....ALLLLL of things like this started.
And...then funny things like this are everywhere! {For the record...a decade from now...when my girls read this post.....they wont have a clue who this is or what song this is pulled from} MARK it! :) {I love you Alexis and Lily!} {If I am around {Lord willing} when you read this post....please let me know the answer! :)
Everyone .....and I MEAN EVERYONE....has an opinion on what people should and should not be doing. HERE are the 5 steps everyone thinks you MUST do though!
This pretty much sums the world up right this exact moment! one is understanding the fact that there is NO toilet paper in the stores.....THIS cracked me UP!
 This is how it is. Period. Pure craziness!

 BUT....this has been my favorite to see! This speaks so true and God has the plan. Always has...always will. Lean to Him. Have faith in Him. Pray to Him. Seek forgiveness from Him.
I do not know when it is my time to go. God knows. God controls all. Straight from the Bible is Truth.
I strongly believe that you should not live your life in fear and chaos. When its our time to go, that is when we go. We should live our life and have faith to know that God has his protection over us. I have loved seeing this. Our President issued today as National Day of Prayer. My prayer is that everyone turns to God and speaks to Him. Pray to Him. Repent. And the land will be prosperous again.

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