Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Our day!


if we are stay at home. Go no where. Do nothing. Stay away from people. Social distance. Stay 6ft from whomever you are around. And so on and so on...

there could not have been a better more beautiful to do all of that!

It was absolutely gorgeous today! The best day we have had since last Summer!

We soaked it up!


So...Lily worked on drawing this morning! She has really gotten into coloring and drawing so since everything that has been happening....sooooo many people have been posting great websites, etc to help parents since we have our kids home from school. As soon as I saw this one certain website...I just knew Lily would love it. And...Alexis too!
So...because...Lily is up at the crack of dawn...and Alexis sleeps until forever....Lily worked on the fun drawings while we waited on Lex to wake up. Lily so enjoyed this!
Then...the Princess finally woke I put both girls to work! Here is Lily. Meet Lily. OH...if you dont know Lily...let me tell you about her! Lily's room! Stuff....just stuff! ha! Well...I opened each drawer and told both girls that they had to take everything out and do a pile of what they wanted to keep and what they didnt like. Lily got to work!
And so did Alexis! She even tried stuff on. And realized clothes she forgot she had! I had to go back and approve or disapprove each pile and it all worked out! We have some clothes for donation and their drawers are organized! :)
Then...perfect timing for lunch on our patio! Perfection!
And...the rest of the afternoon literally was spent soaking up the beautiful day! Alexis wanted me to take a picture of her toe touch!
Then...they rode scooters..bikes...hover board...they played soooo well together!
Ready to ride!
Lily just loves to zoom by! No fear in her at all!
Then...thought this was sweet! Lex helped teach Lily to do her cartwheel. She has been wanting to learn and master it for awhile now.
She practiced and practiced! She got really good at it! {And...notice the sidewalk chalk! Alexis wrote 'I love u Mama! with a kissy emjoi face!} :) {It was super sweet of her...but I told her..well I guess I am 'MAMM' now..instead of Momma! Her face was priceless when she realized what she had wrote} :)
And....while I was cooking dinner....this was my view. To finish out the afternoon. 'Big Lily' and Hope came for a little bit to play. How can I say no to sweet friends and a beautiful day!?!! So...the swang and jumped for a little bit and had the best time hanging out together................6 feet apart! :)
I LOVE my view! Nothing better!
Here's to SPRING BREAK tomorrow! Whoooooop whhooooppp!!

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