Saturday, March 28, 2020

Flatten the curve and social distancing!

So, lets talk.

Because this will be in the History books.........Lord willing...if the world doesnt end. If Jesus doesnt come...

Alexis and Lily will probably vaguely remember about this.

They will both probably remember that they had 'Summer early' for their 2nd and 6th grade year. That school 'closed.'

That is what they will probably remember.

But...what is happening in the world....

Never in HISTORY...has a relief Act been signed for over a Trillion dollars to help relieve the US citizens.

As of right now:
We have had to cancel 3 trips so far that we have planned. 1- Disney World that we will hopefully get to go in July. 2-Tyler and Alexis were supposed to go to Washington DC in May with the school. They were so looking forward to this trip together and Alexis with all her friends. They are supposed to reschedule for the fall. We shall see about that and if our schedule allows to be able to go once the new date is posted. 3-One they didnt know about...The Soriano girls and the Christopher girls and us were set to go to NYC for a fun girls trip. The girls dont know about this trip as we were set to surprise all the kids. Well, we have had to cancel before we could let them know. Guess a good thing that they didnt know about it to be disappointed but we are going to make it happen down the road...hopefully!

Lily's soccer season has been cancelled for Spring. She is bummed!

The girl's dance season is up in the air. Right now it is still 'on' but I just dont know how as everything else has been cancelled. It is set for May for the recital...but I see that not happening. Staying tuned for that.

School is officially done for the rest of this school year. It is said that school will now not start until September to where it has always started in August. Sooo...that means...5 months of NO nothing. And right now...there are no daycares open, etc so kids are at home. Some parents still have to work so it is SUPER hard for them. I cant imagine. I am SO thankful I can work from home and be home with mine.
The girls will still have online learning and we are supposed to be getting that info from their teachers this week to get that started. We shall see how that is going to go. I am NOT a teacher. Can NOT believe once upon a time that I wanted to be teaching them.....yeah..pray for me...and my patience to deal with Alexis. All I am going to say on that! :)

Right now Alexis cheer season is cancelled. She and her Jr. High cheer team are supposed to start practicing in April and gearing up for their cheer camp in June. As of right now...none of that will be happening. Staying tuned on that too.

I am currently working from home. I dont know what the future holds on that as I have NCLEX for my students coming up that they have to be ready to test for so Im sure I will have to go into the office at some point..coming work on that.

Tyler has to go back to work Monday as his crew and him are considered 'essential' and must keep the campus clean and safe.

So...right now...there are alot of  'what ifs'....alot of be are just hanging in there! :)


To 'Flatten the Curve'

That is allllll we hear!

We have to abide by all of these rules that have been put in to place. To quarantine ourselves at home. Do not be in crowds larger than 10. We can NOT go into any restaurants to eat. They are all dine in and carry out only. There are tons of testing areas to get tested for the virus. If you test positive for the can not be around anyone. President Trump as done Press conferences every night explaining the new restrictions to follow. To tell us any updates such as the Act to mandate that companies make ventilators that are  in dire need all over the world right now.

Beaches are closed. Parks are closed. I know of 2 people who are unable to have a funeral for their loved one right now due to the restrictions. Not able to have family or friends gather for a funeral. Sad times.

We are asked by the President to stay home and 'flatten the curve' which means to not be around people to spread the virus.

Social distancing....we are to stay 6 feet away from each other. No more than 10 people in a group and must be 6 feet away.

Right now I am still able to work from home. I dont know what that means as far as the future. When I will go back into the office. From what I understand...we will be going in shifts to work in the office based on need.

If we all do our part....and the scientist work their tails off....and doctors...we can gain a hold on what is happening.

We are in a pandemic.

We must rise to this and become better people through it. Find better solutions since we are in uncharted water. During this National Emergency...we are allllll learning. It is tough. It is hard. It is confusing. It is sad. No graduations. No Senior years. Alexis will not have her 6th grade graduation as she is moving to the High school. But.....we can do this!


our Economy can go back to normal and not tank. Businesses can re-open. Sporting events can resume because...NO baseball! What?!?! Never has happened. Ever.
Life can go back to 'normal.'

For now...we shall flatten the curve. We will carry on the best we can! We will have faith! We will enjoy this down time. There is ALWAYS...always...always something to be thankful for.

Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day!

Here is what we have been seeing concerning 'flatten the curve.' The more everyone doesnt go shopping....stay away from people....stay home, that is supposed to help 'flatten the curve' of how many people get exposed compared to if everyone continues to spread the virus. 
 The is what we have been seeing concerning Social distancing. We have been advised to stay 6ft away from everyone we come in contact with. No touching, hugging, shaking hands.
 This is a diagram comparing the Flu vs COVID-19. At first many considered this virus to be like the Flu. Then it turned is a little worse than the Flu. Then....really worse than the Flu. Now...the 'silent enemy' that is very dangerous. So. Yeah. That is where we are!
 Right now Alabama does not have a 'Shelter in Place' put in by the governor so we can still go outside with no curfew, etc however shops, etc are now closed. The only places open are restaurants {to go or curbside} banks, grocery stores and hardware stores. So...literally nothing to do. Everyone is so nervous about even eating take-out so things like this have been shared concerning take-out food.
Just wow!



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