Sunday, February 21, 2021

Alexis' 1st JV cheer season awards banquet!

 Tonight marked the end of Alexis' 1st Junior Varsity cheer season with their awards banquet. They normally have it sooner....and they normally have a big catered dinner but due to the fun COVID, it was pushed back until now and we just had individualized snacks. It was special for the football team and the cheerleaders so that is what mattered!

She had a great season and loved cheering both football and basketball! It is hard to believe that she has already tried out and made the team to begin her 8th grade season! Training and camp, etc....with football and basketball makes cheer a year around sport that keeps her busy! Super proud that she can balance it with keeping her grades high as that is what is most important!

Loved watching her this season and excited for her next!

Her Daddy....and the decorations! :)

Taylor, Lauren and Lex!
Getting her cheer certificate award!

So proud!

Madison, Lex, Reese and KeAshia. Love all these great girls!
Family picture before we left minus Lily. She played at Callies while we were gone!

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