Sunday, February 28, 2021

Weekend days

 OH how I love the that the weekends are getting better...just because the days are getting longer and because it is just perfection to be outside and soak it all up!

We spent Saturday in Gadsden for Grey's birthday and then Tyler and I had a date night since Lily stayed and spent the night with Grey and Alexis celebrated Sydney turning 13!

The girls had fun getting their nails done....and having a nice dinner before spending the night!

I say...all of us had a fun Saturday!

This afternoon we went on a bike ride. Well....Alexis didnt as she was taking a looonngg nap {from having a spend the night bday party} So, as we were riding....several was way more windy than we thought and then wearing long sleeves and pants just didnt jive well with how warm it was outside. So...instead of riding all the way to the trail and back, we just did a small ride through the neighborhood. Good thing, too, because Tyler didnt blow our tires up so we...meaning ME...was dying because...try riding a bike with two low/flat tires! NOT fun! :)

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