Friday, February 12, 2021

The week of lOvE!

 The week of love is upon us and I have to say....I dont fall into the Valentines hoop of that is when you should buy the most special item to show how much you love someone...

I think it should be done each and every day and not just because it is a 'holiday' but.....

I cant resist wearing pink or red..........anyways! :)

Lily is still at the age that she enjoys dressing up and me taking pictures of her around the house where I decorate for the occasion! ha! Now....trying to get Alexis a whole different story!

So let's look at the week of love!


Tuesday...all about Cupid....and 'Reasons why God loves you!' :) Lily...especially...just loves reading what I put up about why God loves her! Last year I did...'reasons why we {Tyler and I} love her {and Alexis} so this year I changed it up!

Wednesday!.......showing off my new little area! I just love it!

Wednesday...Alexis had a little pep in her step so she actually let me take a picture of her before leaving for school...BUT....she would not wear anything pink or red! :) 

She was also excited and had that pep in her step because Wednesday marked the first day of Cheer Clinic. Her 8th grade year Cheer experience....kicked off...and BOY is she excited about it!

Thursday....LOVE with alllll reds this day!! Valentine party day too! Love is in the air!........and IT IS FRIDAY! :)

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