Sunday, February 7, 2021

This girl and alllll the 13th birthdays!

 It is so hard to believe that all of Alexis' friend group are turning 13. Time just does not slow down and I am thankful for that because seeing her friends and her grow have been wonderful to see and I cant wait to see what all of their futures hold for them. I pray each and every one of them have the best life God can provide. That they all will have happy and healthy futures. That they all work hard and become whatever dream they dream. I pray for them and cant wait to see what the future holds.

Alexis was excited to go to Bryce's party tonight. It is funny that his Mom and I went to school together. I can remember us at their age. I had a car load of excited girls as I dropped them off this afternoon!

Our weekend was pretty low key. We met Gran and Ben at Tre Ragazzi's to celebrate Ben's birthday last night. We havent eaten there in a long while so it was a nice dinner with a fun atmosphere. We had Church and lunch today and are currently watching a Netflix movie {Tyler and I} while Lily is glued to a movie! We got them Disney plus and it a hit! ALLLLLLLLL the Disney {anything you can imagine} to watch! It is fantastic! Alexis is at the party and friends are bringing her home. Nan came for a little bit and the girls were excited to get their Valentines treats is the week of love this week! Stay tuned for alll the cute Valentine outfits coming up! :)

This is the only picture I snapped.....alllll...weekend! I know...crazy! She was dressed and hair done and ready! :) She is just growing up before my eyes!

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