Tuesday, February 16, 2021

It is a SNOW day for us!

 Well...originally school was just supposed to be delayed for 3 hours today. I was looking forward to sleeping in a little bit but then getting ready and hitting the office since I was off yesterday but....plans changed and today turned into a full SNOW day!..............well..........really without the snow...but ya know....here in Alabama....you just never know how it is going to do so to side on the precautionary zone...they cancelled school so us three girls changed out of our school and work attire and stayed in our pjs!

It has been SUPER cold outside so we have enjoyed seeing the snow falling until it ended around 12:00. It really didnt stick so there wasnt much playing in it or enjoying it but at least today turned into another 'comfy' day! :)

Soccer enjoyed seeing his first 'snow!' You cant really see the flakes falling in this picture but he was watching them fall!

Lily was PUMPED to go outside! She lasted all of five minutes...but still...she loved it!

Cant really see the flakes but for a couple of hours...it was coming down pretty hard!

Trying to taste the snow!

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