Monday, February 15, 2021

Our Valentines loonnngg weekend!

 We had a great looonngg weekend!

Saturday was full of cheer try-outs and Alexis making her 8th grade cheer season! So proud of her and she was sooooo excited Saturday!

We capped off Saturday with Gran taking the girls and Grey to get a Valentine treat and coming over to play for a little bit too! After that, later on we had the best dinner at the Walkers!

Just look at that steam! OH YUM! We had a Mardi Gras/ Valentine dinner with a big group. Delish!

Our Valentines! Tyler and I love these two more than they will ever realize or know! They were PUMPED when their mini fridges were put in their rooms. Yeah...I fridges! :)

Today was President's day so us girls stayed curled up and warm alllll day! We did do some cleaning and I did some school work so it was a somewhat productive day!

Tomorrow there is a 3 hour delay may SNOW! Who am I is only going to freeze and be miserable.....but....I can sleep in....and maybe there will be snow! You just never know! :)

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