Friday, February 5, 2021

The first full week back!

 This morning was a STRUGGLE!

The girls have done GREAT all week when it came to getting up and getting ready for school.....except today! None of us wanted to get up and get going! ha!

Thank goodness it is FRIDAY!

We all survived the first full week back in school since school started back in January!!

So hard to believe that it is February and it is the first full week back but it was....and we have made the best of it! We found our groove and made it to Friday!

I am just glad that I feel like my girls have had a solid week of learning compared to the other weeks of blended! Those weeks were just full of no organization and just trying to decipher what was to be done and when to get it done with no substance of learning included.

On Monday....Lily CRACKED me up! She was PUMPED to go to school! She had laid out her entire outfit. Was up super early to 'get ready' and she had a specific hairstyle that she had been talking to me about for two days prior that she wanted me to do. It consisted of braiding her hair....pulling it back into a ponytail and then pulling side pieces down around her face............and curling those little, tight curls.............NOT longer...more wavy curls. I mean she told me EXACTLY what she wanted.

So....that is what I did.

And she beamed! 

We have a big week coming up with 'this and that' to do, hair cut appointments, COVID vaccine appointments....and Alexis has CHEER Clinic and try-outs! She just finished with her season and it is already time to take on the new one!

Looking at the picture, she looks like she is bald with two tight curls {it is just funny what I have in my I see her hair like this!} :) is what she requested and she is happy!

AND....Whoooo hooo! No better words to be spoken than this below!

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