Friday, February 26, 2021

Our week with sunshine and Lily as Laundry!


the weather.....

has been amazing this week!

I see Spring! I see sunshine...I feel warmth!

It has been fabulous! is raining...but supposed to end around lunch and then the niceness is supposed to be back!

I love it!

Oh...I do not like Winter and so this makes my heart happy the way it has been this week!

We have soaked up every afternoon with playing outside...having neighborhood friends over just playing and swinging, jumping on the trampoline until dark and it has been great! Not to mention that it is 6 when its dark now too! Whooo hooo! Daylight savings time is coming up and it makes my heart happy too!

We have eaten outside to soak it all up and it just brings a new fresh take on everything!

One of our family meals out on the patio! Jambalaya for the win!

 And....this! Bahaha! Lily decided on the word 'Laundry' for her Vocabulary parade! This cracks me UP!

She decided on this word....and everything with it all by herself! This is the picture that when she is 16...she is going to be like...WHAT was I doing!? :)

Then Callie decided she wanted to be with Lily and they were sooo excited to be 'twins!' This picture is going down in the memory books as one of those most embarrassing ones that I can NOT WAIT to pull out of Lily! bahahahaha! :) top it off! Having friends who are teachers! Got this golden gem from when they did the acual parade! ha! LOVE it and glad they loved what they did and had fun!

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