Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Next to last day and thankful!

 Lily was SO excited to take Mrs. Real her 'end of the year' gift!

SO much so that she couldnt wait until the last day tomorrow!

Lily knew allll of Mrs. Real's favorites so she just could not wait to give it to her!

Lily's last day is tomorrow! This year has flown! She has had the BEST year thanks to Mrs. Real! 

I just cant brag enough!

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Our weekend!

 We had a great weekend! We had beautiful weather but we can tell...the heat is here and it is growing!

Friday night...this crew had dinner together and then went to the Spring high school football game. JHS played Wellborn. From what I heard it was a great game!


Then Saturday, after her soccer party, these girls had fun skating while celebrating Ella's birthday! Caroline {not pictured}  came home and played for a couple of hours before heading home after the party.

Today was filled with Church, lunch and then the Messer's came over and we played and chatted outside the rest of the afternoon while the boys played golf. We ran and grabbed dinner and had an outside picnic and soaked up the afternoon before coming in and gearing up for the last week of school before SUMMER BREAK! Whoo hooo!

They all had a blast! Lily LOVES skating!...........and she is good at it!

End of the season fun!

 Lily had her end of the season soccer party yesterday and it was so fun!

I have never been to CiCi's in Oxford and was so nice and good! A great atmosphere for a party! It had an arcade too!

The kids ate and then played and then Coach DJ gave out the trophies and the team picture!

 Fun team!

 They love their trophies!

She had fun year!

Team green!
Enjoying the pizza....and the dessert pizzas! YUM-O!

Friday, May 21, 2021

Big sister...........little sister!

 We have been so busy...with all the fun things...

so try and keep up! :)

Alexis had her Big Sister/Little Sister Cheer reveal yesterday!

Both Alexis and Alexis were PUMPED to have each other!

We are all looking forward to a great cheer season coming up! And excited that we will be able to do more since the pandemic is getting further behind us!

The JV getting ready to go find their bigs! They had to run and match their flowers to each other to find out who is with who!

Cute idea!

They are MATCHED! So excited!

I want to be a vet! If this isnt the cutest!

 If this isnt the cutest thing EVER!

When Lily brought this home....it made me tear up!

She constantly talks about wanting to be a veterinarian so I hope her dream comes true!

I have NO doubt with her dedication and her hardworking skills...she will do it!

THIS is going to be put out during her Graduation party! I hope I dont forget!

Awards day for Lily...in a new way!

 Well...things are somewhat back to normal....

we are able to have allll the things that come with the end of the year.........even though some of them look way different that the past!

Lily had her Awards day yesterday!

BOY did she come home with a TON of awards!

I cant even remember all that she got! Her most proud was the Reading Award where it showed she grew 3 grades on her level!

Talk about totally excited for her with that one because at the end of last year {thanks COVID} I didnt feel she was very strong reading wise! She has worked SO hard this year and it shows!

She also got the 'White Eagle' award...where she read and got so many points for reading. She also got A's and B's award for the whole year...among others!

SO proud of her and her HARD work! She has just BLOOMED this year and it is ALL because of the awesome help and love from Mrs. Real!

If you remember, I was DREADING Lily going into the 3rd grade! It made me feel better that Lily didnt have the same teacher Alexis did...............but I guess because of PTSD from Alexis...I was NOT looking forward to this year!

Fast forward....and it has been the BEST year yet for Lily! Mrs. Real's investment into the kids and her love have just been the best for Lily!

Lily ADORES her!

I am SO thankful!

Lily had a small speaking part. Due to it being on our computers...it was REALLY awkward...hard to hear...and with the delay it had...I really heard nothing the whole time....but us parents clapped when we thought we should and threw up some thumbs up when we thought the kids were looking back at us on the screen! ha!


Lily accepting her awards!

LOOK at allllll of that stash!

AND LOOK AT THIS! I didnt even know she got Eagle of the Month ....for the month of May until she got home! You GO girl!

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Last day of 7th grade!

 Today marks Alexis' last day of her 7th grade year!

She is SO PROUD to call herself an 8th grader! {yeah..I know. She thinks she is in 8th though school hasnt started!} :)

She has had such a great year especially still in a pandemic! Being in the high school has been eye opening. BOY high school is nothing like elementary school but with all that comes with getting older...we all are surviving and I am trying not to just want to stuff my head under a pillow and pretend I am in 'lala' world.....or some beach...way in Mexico.... haha!

She is rolling on and we cant wait to see what the next school year offers!

Her last day of school picture! NO more cute chalkboard with the last day of school date on it. Nope...she didnt want it and pretty much refused this picture as I was rushing to drive her to school. So welcome all things with a high school and a teenager............... {I shake my head!} :)

Happy last day of school!

The start of 7th grade! She was SOO excited...this day...to be starting 7th and the high school!

Ohh....just please have her go back to this age! I MISS this! The 1st day of Kindergarten for her! My goodness where has the time gone???

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Counting some coins!

 The girls were soooo excited when they were surprised with a TON of coins from Minnie so when we finally had a chance to slow down...........they had fun counting it all!

I was SO surprised with how much it ended up being!

Both girls got $22.63!

That was a lot of coin counting!

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Field day fun!

 Lily was SUPER pumped about her day today!

School is winding down! so it is alllllll things FUN the rest of this week and then the couple of days next that they go!

Parties, fun days....field days.....and MORE!

She cant wait for all of it!

Today is field day and I just think her team field day shirt is so cute!

It is an overcast day so it makes me thankful because all the kids wont sweat and over exert themselves and come home fried by the sun this afternoon!

Field day cutie! GOOOO team RED!

UPDATE! I love getting pictures from teachers and friends! Due to COVID restrictions still in place no parents could come this time but her sweet teacher Mrs. Real sent tons of fun pictures! Lily was SOOO excited telling us how her class WON! She was pumped!


Working HARD!

Relay race!

Taking a much needed break!

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Our weekend!

 Whew...it has been a busy one...

and I have loved every minute!

And...it isnt over yet either....it is just Saturday! :)

Last night... we went and finally got to watch all of my favorite little people play t-ball! 

IT was SO fun and hilarious to watch!

Tyler and I laughed the whole game! :)

We got to watch Cassell, Calhoun, Ford, Camille, Ridge, and if Collins hadnt been out of town....since they are all on the same team! It was so much fun! We had dinner with the Messer's and the Rays after to cap off our Friday night!

Today was full of soccer, volleyball try-outs and then we had cheer clean-up day for 2 hours. Then we went with several buddies {SK and Sydney} and their Mom's to the sand court and played 2 games of beach volleyball before coming home and spending the rest of the afternoon soaking up the absolute beautiful day! We ate dinner outside and watched Daddy wash his truck...and played....before coming in and taking baths and relaxing! It has been a fun filled day!

I got no pictures of pretty much everything I mentioned here..............but I did snap a few of Lily soaking up the remainder of our day!

She loves this thing!

Loving some sidewalk chalk! A perfect day for it!

She has no idea I snapped a picture of her working on her 'master-piece!'

We have a volleyball player!

 SO PROUD of Alexis!

She came to us....literally 3 weeks ago......

telling us that she has decided that she wanted to try out for JHS volleyball!

To say......Tyler and I were both shocked....is an understatement!.........

not because we didnt think she could work hard and make it............

just the fact that she has never expressed interest in anything very 'sporty' in the past.

Now...yes...she LOVES cheer!....and I consider that a sport. She has to work HARD at it...it takes skill and talent...and so on and so on!

But....playing volleyball is a little different. And because of the fact that she sprung it on us too....just surprised me.

So....she worked...and worked....

AND...today...SHE MADE IT!

So proud and she is just SO excited!

Cant wait to watch her cheer and play volleyball this fall!

I remember me wanting to try-out for volleyball. I was in 7th grade and at softball practice when all my friends were like......hey, lets all try-out in 2 weeks for volleyball! I had NO idea what volleyball even was...but decided I wanted to play because my friends were. I am some of the best memories of playing volleyball and LOVE the sport so to know Alexis is following in my footsteps is awesome! She basically tried out because of her friends too but I have no doubt she will grow and learn the sport and have so much fun making sweet memories that will last a lifetime! 

Welcome to the world Briggs!

 We have a sweet little cousin today!

Cant wait to meet him hopefully in a couple of months!

Welcome to the world Briggs Garrett Griffith! 7lbs 12ozs and 19 inches tall!

Sooooo adorable!

Lily's last soccer game!

 Lily's season has flown by!

To say they didnt really have a winning season...well...they didnt this year...

but they had a fun season and Lily loves soccer....so that is all that matters! :)

They actually played a team that they have not played all season...on their last game...and they were both more on the same level {compared to the teams they have been playing ....where they have been playing soccer since birth...if you know what I mean...} so they tied 0-0. Soo....I guess you can say..yeah...tie today on their last game!

Cute team! :) They would all kill me if they knew I said that! ha!

Who is the fastest!?!?! Well...we all know Lily!

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Our weekend with all the things...soccer...a dance and a Mother's day!

 Lily is wrapping up her soccer season.

She has one game left! It has flown by!

Tyler and I had the privilege to coach her game Saturday along with her teammates due to Coach DJ going to his girlfriend's graduation.

It was an experience.....

but I have to say...it wasnt that bad...we survived...though the other team crushed us! :)

It was a beautiful Saturday!

Once Lily's game was over....Lex and I rushed home to shower and get ready for the dance. Whew....having girls is hard. A 'boy' Mom said it was hard getting her son ready for the dance...

and I just looked at her like she had four heads! ha! :)

Alexis enjoyed a great Elite Night with her friends! We got home late and got up early for Church!

We enjoyed a yummy lunch at the Cane Creek Grill and a round of hitting some golf balls before coming home and doing laundry and relaxing for the week ahead.

It was a great and low-key Mother's day today!

Blessed. It is hard. Being a Mom is hard. I didnt know it would be as hard as it is. But it is. You worry about everything. You worry with being too hard. You worry with not being hard enough. You just worry. You just do.

The world. It is hard for them to grow up in.

I just pray that I am leading them to be the Godly....kind...loving...helpful...honest...respectful...humble...ladies that God wants them to be. I pray. Everyday. Every day I feel like I am not being a 'great Mom.' A 'mean Mom.' A...whatever...fill in the blank...Mom....


like our Pastor said today.....Here's to the Mom's that show up...and love their children. No matter what....I feel I am doing that at least! :)

I love this. A Daddy and his daughter. 

 Kicking his booty and scoring some shots! :)

 A girl in action!

A lovely Mother's day with my girls who made me a Mom!

Elite Night 2021!


plans changed...

literally 10,000 times....

the day of.............Alexis' hair was fixed....and she decided she didnt like it...so Mrs. Holley re-fixed it. {And I have to say...she did a much better job than Lex and I...though I thought we did great!}

I had to punch two holes in a pair of dress sandals for them to not be worn by the girl.... I had to help re-pin another girl's dress because it kept falling down....

we had a mishap with this or that...


we got them out the door and to pictures...

and they all had the BEST time!

All of us Moms fixed a ton of breakfast foods for a TON of hungry 7th graders!

Alexis has a great group of friends and it is so much fun to see them have fun together and make memories!

That is exactly what we did!

Loved spending the day with her getting ready!

 The big group...........is so much fun!

Trying to get them to pose....oh me! :)

 She just shines!


 Her first Elite Night!

 She is growing up so fast. I wish time would slow down!

Dailyn and Lex!
Her dress was perfection in this picture. It had a sparkle and you can finally see it in this one!

I hope they smile and laugh like this forever!
These kids were hungry!
Chowing down!
And...yes...they were hungry...but we HAD THE FOOD! ha!
Then these crazies actually went swimming. They had a blast!