Saturday, May 15, 2021

We have a volleyball player!

 SO PROUD of Alexis!

She came to us....literally 3 weeks ago......

telling us that she has decided that she wanted to try out for JHS volleyball!

To say......Tyler and I were both an understatement!.........

not because we didnt think she could work hard and make it............

just the fact that she has never expressed interest in anything very 'sporty' in the past.

Now...yes...she LOVES cheer!....and I consider that a sport. She has to work HARD at takes skill and talent...and so on and so on!

But....playing volleyball is a little different. And because of the fact that she sprung it on us too....just surprised me.

So....she worked...and worked.... MADE IT!

So proud and she is just SO excited!

Cant wait to watch her cheer and play volleyball this fall!

I remember me wanting to try-out for volleyball. I was in 7th grade and at softball practice when all my friends were like......hey, lets all try-out in 2 weeks for volleyball! I had NO idea what volleyball even was...but decided I wanted to play because my friends were. I am some of the best memories of playing volleyball and LOVE the sport so to know Alexis is following in my footsteps is awesome! She basically tried out because of her friends too but I have no doubt she will grow and learn the sport and have so much fun making sweet memories that will last a lifetime! 

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