Sunday, May 9, 2021

Our weekend with all the dance and a Mother's day!

 Lily is wrapping up her soccer season.

She has one game left! It has flown by!

Tyler and I had the privilege to coach her game Saturday along with her teammates due to Coach DJ going to his girlfriend's graduation.

It was an experience.....

but I have to wasnt that bad...we survived...though the other team crushed us! :)

It was a beautiful Saturday!

Once Lily's game was over....Lex and I rushed home to shower and get ready for the dance. Whew....having girls is hard. A 'boy' Mom said it was hard getting her son ready for the dance...

and I just looked at her like she had four heads! ha! :)

Alexis enjoyed a great Elite Night with her friends! We got home late and got up early for Church!

We enjoyed a yummy lunch at the Cane Creek Grill and a round of hitting some golf balls before coming home and doing laundry and relaxing for the week ahead.

It was a great and low-key Mother's day today!

Blessed. It is hard. Being a Mom is hard. I didnt know it would be as hard as it is. But it is. You worry about everything. You worry with being too hard. You worry with not being hard enough. You just worry. You just do.

The world. It is hard for them to grow up in.

I just pray that I am leading them to be the Godly....kind...loving...helpful...honest...respectful...humble...ladies that God wants them to be. I pray. Everyday. Every day I feel like I am not being a 'great Mom.' A 'mean Mom.' A...whatever...fill in the blank...Mom....


like our Pastor said today.....Here's to the Mom's that show up...and love their children. No matter what....I feel I am doing that at least! :)

I love this. A Daddy and his daughter. 

 Kicking his booty and scoring some shots! :)

 A girl in action!

A lovely Mother's day with my girls who made me a Mom!

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