Thursday, May 20, 2021

Last day of 7th grade!

 Today marks Alexis' last day of her 7th grade year!

She is SO PROUD to call herself an 8th grader! {yeah..I know. She thinks she is in 8th though school hasnt started!} :)

She has had such a great year especially still in a pandemic! Being in the high school has been eye opening. BOY high school is nothing like elementary school but with all that comes with getting older...we all are surviving and I am trying not to just want to stuff my head under a pillow and pretend I am in 'lala' world.....or some beach...way in Mexico.... haha!

She is rolling on and we cant wait to see what the next school year offers!

Her last day of school picture! NO more cute chalkboard with the last day of school date on it. Nope...she didnt want it and pretty much refused this picture as I was rushing to drive her to school. So welcome all things with a high school and a teenager............... {I shake my head!} :)

Happy last day of school!

The start of 7th grade! She was SOO excited...this be starting 7th and the high school!

Ohh....just please have her go back to this age! I MISS this! The 1st day of Kindergarten for her! My goodness where has the time gone???

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