Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Our weekend!

 Whew, time has gotten away from me this week!

Tyler and I have been finishing up our final to complete our Spring semester and to say we have been an understatement!

GOOD NEWS!..........

we both received an A!

We are done!

Whoo hoo! So we have a small break until June to enjoy no writing of papers so that is nice!

So...over the weekend, we have been trying to get our final paper done and just enjoying some weekend time before the week hit!

Alexis has expressed her interest in trying out for volleyball! To say we are surprised...yes we are...but we are excited for her! She has been working so hard! I LOVE volleyball and it was one of my favorite sports that I did in high school so if she makes it.....I will just be elated! Prayers she makes it if it is in her plan! They have had a JSU volleyball player giving them lessons! She has loved it!

Then later...Saturday we had Derby day at the Stone/Walkers! Great time!
My Derby partner! :)
Church girl on Sunday! She picked this cute romper out when we had our girl's day during her Bham appointment day. She was so excited to wear it to Church!
Feeling cute!

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