Friday, May 21, 2021

Awards day for a new way!

 Well...things are somewhat back to normal....

we are able to have allll the things that come with the end of the year.........even though some of them look way different that the past!

Lily had her Awards day yesterday!

BOY did she come home with a TON of awards!

I cant even remember all that she got! Her most proud was the Reading Award where it showed she grew 3 grades on her level!

Talk about totally excited for her with that one because at the end of last year {thanks COVID} I didnt feel she was very strong reading wise! She has worked SO hard this year and it shows!

She also got the 'White Eagle' award...where she read and got so many points for reading. She also got A's and B's award for the whole year...among others!

SO proud of her and her HARD work! She has just BLOOMED this year and it is ALL because of the awesome help and love from Mrs. Real!

If you remember, I was DREADING Lily going into the 3rd grade! It made me feel better that Lily didnt have the same teacher Alexis did...............but I guess because of PTSD from Alexis...I was NOT looking forward to this year!

Fast forward....and it has been the BEST year yet for Lily! Mrs. Real's investment into the kids and her love have just been the best for Lily!

Lily ADORES her!

I am SO thankful!

Lily had a small speaking part. Due to it being on our was REALLY awkward...hard to hear...and with the delay it had...I really heard nothing the whole time....but us parents clapped when we thought we should and threw up some thumbs up when we thought the kids were looking back at us on the screen! ha!


Lily accepting her awards!

LOOK at allllll of that stash!

AND LOOK AT THIS! I didnt even know she got Eagle of the Month ....for the month of May until she got home! You GO girl!

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