Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Field day fun!

 Lily was SUPER pumped about her day today!

School is winding down! so it is alllllll things FUN the rest of this week and then the couple of days next that they go!

Parties, fun days....field days.....and MORE!

She cant wait for all of it!

Today is field day and I just think her team field day shirt is so cute!

It is an overcast day so it makes me thankful because all the kids wont sweat and over exert themselves and come home fried by the sun this afternoon!

Field day cutie! GOOOO team RED!

UPDATE! I love getting pictures from teachers and friends! Due to COVID restrictions still in place no parents could come this time but her sweet teacher Mrs. Real sent tons of fun pictures! Lily was SOOO excited telling us how her class WON! She was pumped!


Working HARD!

Relay race!

Taking a much needed break!

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