Saturday, May 15, 2021

Our weekend! has been a busy one...

and I have loved every minute! isnt over yet is just Saturday! :)

Last night... we went and finally got to watch all of my favorite little people play t-ball! 

IT was SO fun and hilarious to watch!

Tyler and I laughed the whole game! :)

We got to watch Cassell, Calhoun, Ford, Camille, Ridge, and if Collins hadnt been out of town....since they are all on the same team! It was so much fun! We had dinner with the Messer's and the Rays after to cap off our Friday night!

Today was full of soccer, volleyball try-outs and then we had cheer clean-up day for 2 hours. Then we went with several buddies {SK and Sydney} and their Mom's to the sand court and played 2 games of beach volleyball before coming home and spending the rest of the afternoon soaking up the absolute beautiful day! We ate dinner outside and watched Daddy wash his truck...and played....before coming in and taking baths and relaxing! It has been a fun filled day!

I got no pictures of pretty much everything I mentioned here..............but I did snap a few of Lily soaking up the remainder of our day!

She loves this thing!

Loving some sidewalk chalk! A perfect day for it!

She has no idea I snapped a picture of her working on her 'master-piece!'

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