Sunday, May 23, 2021

Our weekend!

 We had a great weekend! We had beautiful weather but we can tell...the heat is here and it is growing!

Friday night...this crew had dinner together and then went to the Spring high school football game. JHS played Wellborn. From what I heard it was a great game!


Then Saturday, after her soccer party, these girls had fun skating while celebrating Ella's birthday! Caroline {not pictured}  came home and played for a couple of hours before heading home after the party.

Today was filled with Church, lunch and then the Messer's came over and we played and chatted outside the rest of the afternoon while the boys played golf. We ran and grabbed dinner and had an outside picnic and soaked up the afternoon before coming in and gearing up for the last week of school before SUMMER BREAK! Whoo hooo!

They all had a blast! Lily LOVES skating!...........and she is good at it!

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