Friday, April 30, 2021

Our Lily....and an eye update

 To know Lily is to love her!

She is always thinking of others and is always trying to do meaningful and thoughtful things for us!

I love every.single.night. how she will come give me the BIGGEST hug and tell me she loves me before she goes to bed. She literally has to complete all of her 'tasks' such as.............making sure her dehumidifier is on, her lamps are off, etc before she comes to say goodnight. If she thinks she has anything else to do.........she does it first because saying 'goodnight' and give us hugs is ALWAYS the very last thing she does.

She does it to both of us. Then....................every.single.night. after she gives us a hug and kiss and tells us goodnight and love you........all the way to her room....she is yelling...'GOODNIGHT...LOVE you...GOODNIGHT!' The whole time to her room! It is the sweetest!

So...she used her own money.....

and bought Tyler and I our Mother and Father's day gifts at school! How thoughtful was she as well! She was dying to go ahead and give the gifts to us! :)

LOVE her note! She got me a notepad to write my grocery list on {because she always sees me making notes when 'new' things need to be added for items I need to get on my next trip!} and then a koozie because she always sees me carrying like 3 bottles at a time of water to work in the mornings and my hands get cold! Well....not anymore!

She got Tyler the screwdriver set {that has 'DAD' on it} {how adorable} because she sees me constantly working on things! ha!

She put so much thought into it all!

Yesterday her and I had a girl's day and it was fabulous! She LOVES PF Changs so we had lunch and hit a few shops before her eye appointment! We had a great day of it being just the two of us!

So.....this appointment marked 6 months of being on the prescription eye drops. Well, Dr. Hall did not see any change like he was expecting. It has not gotten any smaller. Great news is that it has not gotten bigger and it is not affecting her the verdict was to continue through the Summer with the drops and see if there is any change.

Well, Lily told Tyler and I that she didnt want to continue with the eye drops...because she hates them {and it is such a pain in the butt to keep up with and do as well} so after we finish out this last bottle...we decided to not continue with the drops.

We will still go to our next visit at the end of July...............but we will just have to tell him that we decided to not continue with the drops at that time. We can keep a check on it and as long as it doesnt get bigger.................doesnt affect her vision................and doesnt hurt her............we are just going to leave it be. 

Prayers that those items mentioned continue and we will see/keep a check on it!

She has been so brave through all of this! So proud of her!


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