Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Exactly a year ago...hello it's me!

 CRAZY to think!

I looked back and it was EXACTLY a year ago that I did the post about me wearing a mask to Wal-Mart for the first time and how I felt while wearing it!

FAST forward to a YEAR later................

a FULL year of wearing a MASK..........

{NEVER would have thought.........a year!!}

and after a year, NOT wearing a mask in Wal-Mart and how it felt!


Friday, April 9th, Governor Kay Ivey declared that masks are no longer mandated. They are strongly suggested for use but are not required any longer to be worn.

We have ALL waited for this day for a LONG time.............a year!

Well....we were all in Florida over the weekend so we wore our masks {for the most part} since we were in another state and were not sure what they rules to follow were and just because we were in an 'unfamiliar' destination, we just wore them while we were around people we didnt know, etc.

So, yesterday was my first opportunity to wear or NOT wear a mask in Alabama!

{REMIND you......I am fully vaccinated and the mask order is done now!!}

I went to Wal-Mart since we got back late Sunday and we had no food at home...I needed items for the week. So after work, I headed to Wal-Mart.

What is STRANGE...............is the fact that I had to debate with myself if I was going to wear a dang mask or not!?!?!!! Is that not just crazy!

So, I decided not to.

It was weird.

I remember when I first wore a mask..............it was weird.

I felt everyone was starring at me....going...why are you wearing a mask {because at that point in time no one had really 'bought' in to the fact to wear one and it was just becoming mandatory so not everyone even had masks yet}......

well now....it was weird because I felt I was getting stares going......why are you NOT wearing a mask!


There were a mix of some wearing masks and some people not. I actually saw a couple of people I knew...and they were not wearing masks either.

I actually felt like I was doing something wrong...by not wearing a mask...and my face felt weird because I didnt have it on also because I am just so use to having it on.

It was the strangest feeling....and just crazy to me that this is what I am living in and debating myself about and having to understand!

My first official Wal-Mart picture of my grocery shopping run with no mask! ha!

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