Monday, April 5, 2021

5K JSU Color Run!

 Lily and I had the best time Saturday morning!

It was SUPER cold {at first} but it warmed up and it was a beautiful day for a 5K to kick off all the celebrations of our new JSU President!

We had fun with friends and it was a fun.....and memorable Easter weekend!

This is how we began! :)

Love our Cocky picture!
Fun seeing Court!

The whole crew...ready to go!

My running to the end shot! ha! I cant believe....still...that I ran the whole thing! I have to say, I am proud of myself since it was my first 5K to actually run outside!

Love these ladies!

I mean...LOOK! :)

Lily had a BLAST!

My little chick! SUCH a great morning!

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