Tuesday, April 27, 2021

How's the pandemic going?



So, how is the pandemic going? 

Well, we are into a little over a year and the world is getting a little back to normal but areas are still on lock down and numbers are still spiking in many areas. I have to say, around here.....most everyone I know is now fully vaccinated so wearing our masks has become less and the 'fear' is settling down for the most part! THANK goodness! It is still crazy to think how everything has happened and what all the world has gone through because of COVID. My mind is literally blown with all of it!

So........I thought it was neat to see the above questions and answer my thoughts on the past year of the pandemic!

1. WOW........what was it like?!?  

The beginning of 2020 was outstanding! We were kicking off the new year with a bang. The girls were enjoying their 2nd and 6th grade year! We NEVER would have thought that our Spring break would turn into a lot longer than a week! At first we were soooo excited to get to spend the entire week in Pensacola with Brittney, Mitchell and Kennedy! It was a great trip! What blew my mind was literally watching the world shut down by the end of the week. I remember leaving Pensacola and being soooo nervous driving home because there was literally nowhere to stop. All businesses closed. Gas stations wouldnt even let people in. I made it all the way to right outside Montgomery {the girls were troopers!} before we just HAD to stop and I remember the panic I felt as I pulled up to the gas station to get gas. Lily and I had to use the restroom and so I remember knocking on the gas station door {because it was locked} and this older lady actually unlocked it and let us in to go. She stood away from us and I remember telling Lily to 'hold her breath' {like that was going to 'help' with us not getting COVID} as we ran to the bathroom! ha!

2. The biggest change was hands down having the girls at home 24/7 together! Me working from home and trying to juggle that with me having to finish out the school year with Alexis and Lily doing virtual school. It was tough at the beginning but we found our groove and didnt kill each other in the process either! The girls knew...when the dining room light was 'on'.............do NOT come in and ask me a question or anything because I was working or on a zoom or teams meeting and could not be bothered. To help our sanity....the weather could not have been more amazing. We soaked it up and spent so much time together outside and riding our bikes to the trail, etc. We made a lot of sweet memories! We also had our 'quarantine crew' that helped keep us sane too! They all lived in our neighborhood and since none of us could go anywhere....we knew we were all 'safe' so the kids all bounced from one yard to the other. The rules were....you could NOT go into anyone's home. If you had to go to the bathroom...you had to go back to your house. You had to keep your distance and NOT ask for any food! Ha! Those kids could eat everyone out of house and home! So, lunch...snacks...you had to go to your house! You could ask for a drink though! ha! And...popsicles were on regular rotation to be given out! :) And..I did get an extra stock of gummies because I would give those out sometimes {to be the favorite 'Mom'} :) They spent their time riding bikes, jumping...swinging....playing games...hide n seek....and so much more! I would not trade any of that!

3. Whew...my coping mechanisms was just to not watch the news. MY goodness...the news was rough. When I would find myself watching it.....it would just make me sick. SO....we cut the TV off and just kept busy with school and being outside!

4. Our connection was amazing! The girls and I bonded so much during it all. We were all we had! ha! We baked. We crafted/painted. We even worked out together! Tyler still had to work even though his hours were cut a lot and he was home more but he was not with us during most 'day' hours. It was nice that he was home more with us and we enjoyed going to the land in Piedmont and spending time together when he was with us!

5. What I will remember most was the memories with our 'quarantine crew!' Sitting out on each other's patios....spaced out with our chairs just chatting and trying to not think about how the world had gone crazy! Also....we went to the beach more during COVID that we ever had! We also went to Disney right when they opened back up during a pandemic. It was the best trip ever and I still cannot believe the experience we had there with NO crowd and how we felt we were VIP with getting to ride all the rides with no wait and as many times as we wanted! It was amazing!

6. Biggest challenge............grocery shopping! I mean...people are crazy. Period. No toilet paper. None. I still do NOT understand how a pandemic can cause people to think they need to hoard toilet paper! Also food. Shelves were bare. Also...cooking every.single.night. I learned several new staplers for our food rotation but with no restaurants open and us being on 'lock down'..........I had to get creative!

7. A beautiful memory... So many! Just really all of it. Thank the Lord, none of my little family ever got COVID. Lily did have to quarantine because of her teacher {which did make me really nervous thinking she may get it} But....just the fact that I got to stay home with the girls for about 5 months was so special. I always had wanted my girls to have a Summer like I used to have as a child. With my Mom being a teacher...I would get to stay at home during the Summer and get to play and go places, etc and not have to go to 'daycare' every day. Well, my girls never had that and because of the pandemic, they were able to have the best Summer!

8. What do I believe now that I didnt a year ago?!? That it is SO nice to be around people. I love being around people! Just the simple fact that I can be around people and not have to be 'scared.'

9. What  would I do differently? Hmm...honestly nothing. I soaked up every minute of a really scary and bad situation for the world. Many will say that COVID was the worst thing ever. Many lost loved ones. I know several friends and some family members that lost their life to it but overall, I am thankful that I had the opportunity to be with my girls and have the time we did.

10. What will I carry forward? Never take life for granted. Live life to the fullest and to not live in fear. Yes COVID was nerve racking some of the time. It still is to be honest...but I can not live in fear. I must trust God and know that life is too short to not take for granted. Time is precious. Do what makes you happy. The pandemic has been horrible but what I carry forward is that there is always...always...always something to be thankful for! You may have to look a little harder...but there IS good even in the very bad.

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