Monday, April 5, 2021

Saturday fun day........Dirty Bunny!

 We had a great Saturday!

We loaded up and headed to the JSU Family day events where there was a petting zoo and Kona Ice....and an Easter egg hunt!

We had a great time with friends and doing all the events before heading to Aunt Pam's to finally have our first family get-together since COVID hit! It has been over a year since all of us have celebrated a holiday together!

Since we didnt get to have Christmas all together, we decided to play 'Dirty Bunny' instead of how we all play Dirty Santa at Christmas! It was fun to do this and have fun Spring gifts and we all decided this should be a new tradition! So, instead of playing Dirty Santa and having to worry about buying Christmas gifts {with all the other hustle and bustle to do during that time of year} we will now wait and have a fun Spring....Dirty Bunny!

I have to say, there have been so many cancellations and so many changes due to COVID! What I can say...and COVID has proven that there really is 'good' among everything...if you look for it! What I mean is, there have been several occurrences, to where I feel like the new changes {brought on because of COVID} has been good changes...such as Dirty Bunny! We never would have known change was needed or 'good' if COVID had not shown us that!

Of COURSE dying Easter eggs is a MUST! We came home from the 5K Color Run and got a shower {a double shower to get allll the color out!} :) and then we did this!

Alexis ACTUALLY said she was tooooo old to help decorate eggs this year! So, she didnt.....though she kept coming into the kitchen acting like she wanted to but...she stood her ground though! :)

Lily's turned out soooo cute!

Then we headed to the Family Fun day! Of course we get excited when we see the C's....and Cocky!

I love this picture!

The petting zoo....and alll the animals...and Lily! :)

My girls loved when they saw WK!

And Lily loved when she saw sweet Gabby!

Then it was time to head to Aunt Pam's and play with this little one! OH she is adorable!

 Is this not SO fun! I know that there is not much to this...but it made me happy when I made it! :)

Lily LOVES a good Easter egg hunt! All the kids took turn hiding the eggs for them to turn around and find!

Counting the stash!

This CRACKED me up! So this was one of our gifts that Lana chose! I put a bunch of blue Easter eggs in a bag....EMPTY! Except for one! She literally opened alllll of them EXCEPT the one that had the cash in it! bahaha!...Her face was hilarious! We had a great time!

Lily and La La
A little Easter Bunny girl with the cutest couple!

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