Sunday, April 25, 2021

My birthday and Aubies birthday!....and a Book Club membership!


 we are not really sure of Aubie's actual birth


to help me with remembering it since both girls love to make a BIG deal about it....

I arranged it to be the same week as Tyler and my birthdays! ha! It works perfectly....every year! :)

My birthday was perfection! 

Great kicking off the last year before a new decade! :) My little fam played golf and then met Ben and Gran to eat dinner!

And...then last night we went to dinner with the Messers and the Ray's to celebrate!  {to celebrate both Tyler and I!} :)

Its been a good weekend!

I didnt take a single picture of any birthday dinners but I did snap this!

Read this!

Lily is now in a Book Club with Madelyn!

This cracks me up with all the stipulations and rules....but if you cant follow them...its fine!....per Madelyn! Cant wait to see how this goes!

First up...they have to determine a do a lemonade raise money! Ya know...part of the Book Club! :)

These pictures ALWAYS cracks me UP! Aubie always refuses to be still and take a picture! :) Usually Soccer doesnt care...and he really didnt today because Alexis literally woke him up and pulled him out of the chair right before we snapped the picture so he was so out of it! ha!

Tyler.........refused to take a picture too...........he never cooperates either! :)

HAPPY birthday Aubie we LOVE you! BIG 7 years old!

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