Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Going to California!

 Sooo....the surprise was not supposed to happen for a little while.........

I had the whole shabang ready to surprise the girls.........

about going to California for their 10th and 13th birthday.............


I guess if the surprise is going to be taken.............what better way to do it than by....

the person we are going to visit in California!

Let me explain!

So at the rehearsal for Meg's wedding...

we were SO excited to see Blake because he was able to come in for the wedding. Margie was not able to come due to see has just had Hank....

So....we hugged him and were talking to him when he goes....

are yall not SOOOO excited about coming out to visit us??!!!??!!...................

AS he is saying that............

BOTH girls are looking at me with these most confused......shocked....WHAT??!?!...looks on their faces...as I am trying to 'eye' Blake to 'STOP' talking! ha!

He gets the hint....................and says 'WHOOPS!.........I guess....I think...I just ruined a surprise!'

It was hilarious! The whole wedding party was busting out laughing because you should have just seen my reaction...and the girls reactions as Blake is talking! ha!

So, at least it was Blake....

and the girls are sooooooooooooo excited!

Of course I had to answer 5 BILLION...if not more....questions....

all because of Blake! ha! :)

We cant wait to head to Cali..........and to Hollywood in May!

So...this was supposed to be a part of the surprise! I decided to not do what other things I was going to and just give them this......................well...ya know...since they already know now! :)

Two very excited girls! I am excited too!

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