Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Their big day!

 It was a great celebration!

I understand now why even though they got married in August...that they had what they did in April.

COVID took that wedding....love...away...and they got to have that this past weekend!

It was the best!

To be surrounded by friends and family...in a beautiful setting...is everyone little girl's dream.

Meg had her dream!

Though our trip was not the best as I had wanted....the weather was not in our favor to have any beach time, etc...

the purpose of the trip was for Meg and Chase

and it was perfection for them!

If anything and everything could have gone wrong Saturday morning...it did.

We made it to the picture time...

by the skin of my teeth.

We got settled...

got pictures...

and though it was too wet outside for the wedding to be where Meg had originally wanted, they moved it indoors and it was gorgeous! 

It was a great afternoon/night celebrating them!

We got up and headed straight home Sunday. We wanted to soak up the day and have beach time...but again...it was just not in the plans for the weather. Once we got home...it was sunny and beautiful so we spent the rest of the afternoon outside and soaking up the day with Daddy since we missed him!

Us girls with the flower girls!

The last time...........and first time........to be a flower girl!

Love her! Her last time to be a flower girl! She is super excited to be upgraded to junior bridesmaid....for whatever wedding event comes next! hahaha!

 This is my most favorite picture of them! I just love this!

Love this picture!

The two beautiful littles!

She is lovely!

Me and my mini!
The Bride and Groom pic!

The reception area was beautiful!

Reserved! :)
The wedding party!
She shined!

Alexis did SO good reading scripture!

Party time!

Guess who CAUGHT the bouquet! Yep...........Lily! We were allll in shock! :) ha! She has LOVED having the bouquet at home! She asked..'Is it mine? Can I keep it?' She was SO excited!

Thats a wrap! We had a blast! Lily's face in this picture cracks me up! She was in shock she caught it with all those older and bigger girls trying to! ha!

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