Tuesday, July 19, 2022

3 Things!

 It's that time, 3 things!


1. She is loving the Summer life right now. Her favorite thing, cheer is still happening but it isnt full force so she still gets to do that and see her friends. Sleeping late is her jam, spending the night with friends is more her jam and having a slow pace and not much on the agenda except things she wants to do is her biggest jam! :)


2. She is absolutely loving that she is a Varsity cheerleader! It is all that she talks about and how she is a Freshman! She loves being 'older!' :)


3. Instagram and tiktok lover. She has become a fan because she can see other people and learn new ways to do makeup or hair. And of course new dances on tiktok, though she doesnt have an account, she learns from her friends.


1. Watermelon lover! She grew one watermelon last Summer and this Summer she has 15 growing so far! She takes such good care of them! She waters them everyday and checks on them to make sure they are happy as they grow!


2. Summer REC. This girl wants to do alllll things camp. Any camp. Pick a camp. She doesnt care what camp she wants to do it! She loves learning and the interaction and everything the camps are about! Sign her up!


3. Teen age is happening. Oh my goodness...she is developing...not only in teen ways...attitude ways...just all the ways. The sweet little Lily is becoming teenage Lily right before my eyes. It happened around the same time for Alexis so at least I know what to expect and I think I am a little more prepared for Lily as compared to Alexis because it was such a new world for me. But...it is. It is happening. She is no longer little in any shape or form. She is becoming a teen.

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