Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Our new love...pickle ball!

 SO crazy thing!

A group of co-workers, that I no longer work with directly, reached out to me to see if I would like to learn pickle ball with them!

So...mainly because I wanted to hang with them....I said yes!

Well, our first practice was yesterday and I loved it! 

Pickle ball was so fun!

We all had a great time catching up and learning to play!

So, I call Tyler as I am leaving and he asks me if I enjoyed learning. My response was 'yes!' and then he goes........'Okay, so you want to go play with this couple he knows at 7:00pm?' {Mind was after 6 and I hadnt eaten anything or gone home....} but I said yes! 

So, Tyler and I load up....{with my one afternoon of learning and HIM NOT even having known about pickle ball} to head to the JSU tennis courts and we play 4 games of pickle ball!

For Tyler to have never played at ALL....he did good! I think I did good too.....just saying!

It seems we are starting a new love for pickle ball!

Whats funny is how I went from no pickle ball to FULL on pickle ball in one day! If it were to be what killed me......then, I can say I went out hard! ha!

Round one for my pickle ball training! We were in Kennamer gym!

We had stations and learned the 'ropes!'
Me in action! I didnt know any of these pictures were being taken! ha!
This is when we were playing! Kristi and I were partners and we won our two games! Whoop whooop!
Then our view for pickle ball with Tyler! I didnt take any pictures but we played with three other couples and played late and had fun!

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