Saturday, July 9, 2022

Alexis' friends night for her bday!

 We always tend to have multiple birthday parties just because of us being gone, normally, and we have a family and then friends party!

So last night....Lex had her friends over and though she would have loved to have had like 20 girls over.... unfortunately Tyler and I just cant hold that many...especially when she wants to go to dinner and a movie and then have them all spend the night.

So....she compromised and picked her favs....

and though she still wanted more friends and we heard some friends were upset they were not invited....the crew that 'made it' had a blast and I think Lex had a great birthday!

We decided on pizza and cake at home before heading to the Mall to do some shopping before the Minions movie!

They loved the movie even though I have to really wasnt my favorite. I think the other past movies were better but there were still some really funny moments and Alexis had a great time so that is what counts!

We got home super late since we went to a late movie. My hopes were they would go to sleep since it was after 10:00pm.............BUT....of course....that didnt happen. I heard them around 1:30am still laughing but then either I finally passed out or they actually went to sleep around then. :) I have to say......they were really good and not that was a plus! :)

Eating and chatting and laughing and making memories!

Singing happy birthday!

I didnt have 14 candles so she got 4! :)

Group picture before we left! We missed Keashia and Carli! Sydney didnt want a picture because she flew right in from volleyball practice and was sweaty.

Love her sweet friends!

Lex and Lauren!

Lex and Madison

Lex and Aalyiah

Loaded up and ready for the movie!

Yeah...forgot how bright the flash they were dying laughing at me as I took this picture because it was so bright! This is the last picture they let me take of them too! Syd wasnt able to spend the night because she had volleyball camp. Keashia came over once we were home to spend the night and Carli called them since she had to leave for a softball tournament and had to miss. Its a busy busy time but thankful everyone was able to make our girl feel special on her birthday!

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