Sunday, July 24, 2022

Lily and her music abilities!

 Tyler and I are just SO impressed with Lily and her ability to know the name of songs and the lyrics!

Alexis has always been the one that loves to sing but Lily is a pro at all things song names and lyrics!

We love watching several different shows such as 'Name That Tune. Dont Forget the Lyrics and Beat Shazam!' 

Every time we watch those shows...Lily will belt out the lyrics to the song thats on or name the title of the song that is being sung. I just cant believe how good she is! she beats us all!

This was her the other night as we were watching 'Dont Forget the Lyrics' She didnt know I took the pictures of her on the couch so when she saw I was, she started laughing because I told her how impressive she is so then she let me take a picture of her in front of the tv. ha!

I just love her and her sweet personality! 

She is a mess for sure! :)

Us comfy in our pjs...not too far from bedtime...curled up just singing away! I love that she still wants to curl up with me and watch tv together after a long day of life!

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