Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Alexis is 14!

 We celebrated Alexis by having cake for breakfast! Enjoying the day on the water and then having the best dinner at one of her favorites in Pensacola...Flounders! SO GOOD!

Mitchell's face was priceless when I came walking into the kitchen at 7:30am saying...'We're having CAKE!' bahaha! He was like 'WHAT?!" ha!

Nothing better than eating cake for breakfast on your birthday!

Kennedy cracked me UP! She helped put alllll the candles on the cake and said...'Alexis, that is A LOT of candles!' :)

In their pjs....about to sing happy birthday and eat cake!
Our 14 year old!

That was a lot of candles!

Official picture with the #14!

SO surprised they sang to her at dinner!

More sweets! :)

After a great dinner...we wanted even more sugar so we hit Sweet Frog for yogurt to top off the full day for the birthday girl!

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