Wednesday, July 6, 2022

4th of July fun!

 We capped off our trip with the best fireworks while watching on the boat!

It is just an awesome experience to go out on a boat ride and anchor to watch them! There is a radio station that plays music to them and it is just the coolest thing!

We spent the day in the pool and then ate dinner and had an afternoon boat ride before the show. It was a perfection of a 4th! The night before we did fireworks on our own and it is always a blast! The kids LOVE to do the snaps and love to watch Tyler and Mitchell shoot!

Lily shot some of her own this time too! Also, Kennedy picked out some fireworks that were a bunny....well little did we was where you light it and the bunny poops! YES...I said poop! I just could not wrap my head around the fact that a firework shaped looking like a bunny was pooping! bahaha!............and Kennedy just thought it was a fun and cute bunny firework!

We also had some of Meg's leftoever sparklers from her wedding............and OH........SO funny watching Tyler and Mitchell dance around and leap with them as they were burning! I laughed SO hard!

Great times!

Doing pops as Kennedy called them!

 We bought a ton and it was fun with alllll of them!

SO pretty!
Lily thought she was SO big getting to do this with Daddy!

Our annual 4th picture! My goodness they have grown from last year! We loved getting to spend so much time with Kennedy and seeing Briggs and his sweet little personality and how he is waddling around getting better and better at walking! Loved our time with them!

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