Thursday, July 28, 2022

All the school things!

 We did all the school things today!

The girls are ready for school though they may say they arent, they are excited!

Today Lily had her 11 year old check-up {though she is not 11 yet} because she had to get a shot for school. She handled it like a rock star after she asked about 10 questions which included......'How long is the needle?!" bahaha! :)

Then after Lily, we headed to my office for a little bit where the girls loved sifting through my office supplies and driving me crazy too! :)  .........before going to Alexis' FRESHMAN year's schedule release!

She didnt get a locker this year...because she said she never used it last year so we shall see if it will end up needed but we did get her schedule and she loves it!

She is SUPER excited about her Home EC class and her Health and Career class {that she wanted to take because she wants to be an orthodontist} and then her Varsity cheer athletic P.E. too. 

She saw her friends...checked to see if they will have classes together then had Chick fila to cap it off before they went home and while I went back to work!

A busy day!

She said it didnt hurt at all! :)

Excited for her Freshman year!

Only picture with friends we got!

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