Saturday, October 29, 2022

Alexis' last football game regular season

 All the Fall things are winding down. 

We will be moving into Winter and basketball. BOO! I am not a fan of basketball.........mainly because it is when the weather is cold and I dont like that! I dont mind watching some basketball............I just dont like how there are 100,000 games. {And Im not exaggerating!} :)

We played Oxford last night and it was a close and great game but we didnt come out on top. They had the cutest pep rally that day and ended the day with being 'famous on TV' since they were selected to be on Pigskin Roundup. So.....count all of that as a win!  

Screaming Eagles got to come since it was the last one! They were excited and LOUD! Spot mine.....she is at the top, bottom right side! I spotted her and her pigtail braids from across the way! :)

Alexis and the cheerleaders were 'country club' they wore their sweaters around their neck!

Love watching her shine!

Special performance time! I was on the wrong side! BOO! I thought I was on the correct side because they always perform everything from where I was I had to RUN to the correct side and barely got any good pictures because I was in a rush!
Her and Bryce did SO good! So cute!

The cutest! They all asked a partner and danced a couple of 8 counts to 'Oh Mickey youre so fine!' The crowd loved it and it was fun!

Last run through! They do have play-offs next week but last regular season.

Cheering under the lights! LOVE!
Get that Lib girl!

Lily.....OH...she loves 'hanging' with her friends and does everything she not be near us parents! We are not cool! :)
There she is again!

After the game waiting for the Pigskin Roundup. The Cedar Bluff football came in while we were all waiting to go back. OH, they stunk :) was hard to breath with them because oh that stinky boy smell! ha! They kept messing with the girls and wanted them to do cheers, etc. 

Finally it was their time to be famous!

Waiting to do their thing! They were getting the instructions and waiting in front of the green screen. 

It was neat to be 'behind the scenes!' 

So cool to see my girl and the others being 'famous!' :)

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