Sunday, October 30, 2022

Carving time!

 After Nannie's celebration...we headed to my house and carved pumpkins. 

Nannie ended up having us get her home because it was so late and so nasty outside so just us and Gran and Grey had fun!

Hard at work! Grey told Tyler exactly what he wanted on his pumpkin and to please do it for him! Ha!

Tyler got to work!

Grey liked to check on everyone's work!

And....decided helping out wasnt his thing!

He didnt care for the yucky stuff!

But he loved supervising Tyler and watching his pumpkin come together!

Right about this time after the picture....Grey goes... 'Tyler, did you know that you can eat pumpkin seeds?' to which Tyler responds... 'Yeah but then you will have a big pumpkin grow inside your belly!' should have seen Grey's face when Tyler said that. Im pretty sure he will never eat a pumpkin seed his whole life! :)

Hard at work! Alexis pulled up what she wanted to do on her phone. Then Lily did my phone as Gran free handed hers!

The final products! Greysyn was soooo excited about his! Alexis and Lily loved theirs.......... and then there's Grans. ha!

We are ready for Halloween!

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