Sunday, October 23, 2022

Lily's Fall Festival!

 Lily and Daddy stayed home because it was going to be such a long day so she got to enjoy her school's Fall Festival!

She loved it and had fun seeing her friends!

Daddy and Lily had a dinner date and enjoyed spending time together while Lex and I did too!

I asked Tyler to send me some pictures....

So...he was being a smarty pants and was going to make Lily pose in front of each trunk....

He was being like this to 'act like me'....................well..............Lily caught on and when he told her to move over so he could 'get the sign in the picture'....................
She goes, 'You are acting just like Momma.........Im not taking any more pictures!'
bahaha! He sent me that and I was dying laughing!
I told him to tell her............. 'It is a good thing to be like me!'.....................well, he didnt tell her that! :)

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