Thursday, October 13, 2022

We got to see family!

 Well...we dont live close to them...

and it makes me sad...

but when we get together.... it is like no time passes! 

It was so good to see Aunt Pam and Richard's new house and spend time with them and bonus, we got to see Brandon for a bit!

Then we had a great dinner and evening with Britt, Mitchell, Kennedy and Briggs!

LOVED our time before we headed back home to the groove of real life!

Briggs LOVES Lily! He only wanted her to hold him!...literally the entire time!

All kids and animals just love Lily!

Look at these cuties!

These three...such a mess!

This cracks me up because they sang happy birthday to Kennedy since she turned 5 Monday. She saw them coming and would NOT let him put it on her face! It was hilarious! I grabbed her and the waiter pushed it on her. We were all laughing so hard!

We MUST have Sweet Frog. A MUST! We enjoyed some time at their house before going down the road to Pams. It is nice that Pam gets to live close to them now. I know it makes her heart happy!

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