Saturday, December 29, 2012

Alexis lately....

I havent done a post on Alexis in awhile like I have Lily to document what all she has been up to/saying these days! Let me first start off by saying Alexis is a mess! :) The other day I told her that there was..."one and only Alexis!" .............and she goes..."No Mommy, there are two Alexis' but only 1 me!" (She was talking about her friend Nick's sister is Alexis too!)....but yep she is SO right, there is only 1 her! :)
She absolutely loves mushrooms and tomotoes (that she calls matter how many people or times you correct her...she will still say "those potatoes were so good!) :)
**She also always says "Mommy my belly is woggaling!!" (I know I didnt spell that right!!)... I LOVE how she says woggaling!! (Her belly is growling!) ...when she is hungry...(which she is always hungry!!) :)
These days she is wanting to be my helper more and more everyday. I dont know why this is just now really kicking in, but everything I do now, she wants to help me. Especially cooking....every time I go in the kitchen and she thinks I am about to cook something, she comes running in to help me do it!
She has started telling everyone that she is 5! She still has until July to turn 5...but to her she thinks she is closer to age 5, and 5 is sooooo big, so she has decided she is already 5! (I use this against her though when she starts whining or something...and I say, well since you think you are 5 you better act like it! hahaha!)
She is obsessed...obsessed....with clothes and SHOES!! I can not keep her out of her closet and drawers!! She will go in her room and change outfits...and then 10 mins later she has on something different! I find shoes every.where. from where she wears a pair for a little bit and then puts a different pair on! The other day I went to check on her in her playroom...and she was sitting in there coloring with a dress on...with shorts on under it and a pair of her church dress shoes on! The other night (and this was just soooo funny)...When we put Lily down for bed, we then get Alexis ready for bed and let her watch a movie until her bedtime. Well, I walk in her room and immediately see that she has on a headband and is laying very proper and straight in her bed with her comforter tucked just perfectly around her. I think the headband is odd b/c it is bedtime....she shouldnt have a headband on. Well, I tell her to lay down to go to bed as I am taking the headband off and notice that she is having a really hard time laying down. So, I pull the comforter back...and low and behold, she had put on a pair of her dress pants OVER her pj pants...and had a pair of boots on!! (No wonder she couldnt move under the covers b/c she could barely move her legs with the tight pants over her pj pants and with the boots on!) I asked her why she had on all of that..and she said "I dont know, I just wanted to look nice".........and what do you say after that???..........
Her little mouth still never closes...she loves...loves to sing and dance still! It is so cute to watch her and then watch Lily try and copy what she is doing! :)
She loves to watch all of her Disney movies and can quote....and sing....from all of them! Her most favorite Disney movie is Ratatouille, then The Little Mermaid and close third is The Chipmunk movie! She has alot of movies, but those three have been worn out!!
She loves to color and write. She writes her name and letters so well and can color and stay in the lines better than I can!
She has to have her fingernails and toenails painted at all times. She will beg me a thousand times a day to paint her nails until I do it! If I miss a spot painting...she will let me know it to correct it! They have to be just perfect to her liking! :)
She is a ball of energy and just so full of life! :)

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