Saturday, December 1, 2012

Is it December?!

Today is December 1st....but outside you would have thought it was a day in June! It was an absolutely beautiful blue! For it to be December, and be in the low 70s.... I could have worn shorts today!
Earlier we went to Nan's work Christmas party for kids at the Quintard Mall! The girls had so much fun jumping and playing in the big blow ups! The also loved to ride the rides too! After the party, I got pretty much all of my Christmas shopping done also! We ended the night watching the SEC championship. The University of Alabama over took the University of Georgia in the end. It is looking like yet another National Championship on the way for the Tide. (I just wish all of my UA friends wouldnt rub it in so much :) )

Little miss model!

Lily wasnt to sure of the mouse...but loved riding in the car with it!

My little careful one with both hands on the wheel! :)

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